Genii Weblog

Report writing

Wed 4 Aug 2004, 07:29 PM

by Ben Langhinrichs
I have gotten a lot of hits recently originating from a post I made in the Gold forum about bar charts.  I included a sample roughly like the Horizontal bar chart shown below, and then made another post and pasted a sample roughly like the Vertical bar chart shown below that.  I have mixed feelings about report writers, having been burned a bit in that regards before, but I am still always surprised that people don't use our Midas Rich Text LSX for this purpose more often.  Rich text is very versatile, and Midas certainly lets you use the versatility.  Besides just the look (and you can get much more elaborate by using layers, for example), you can create hotspots so that clicking on the bars gives additional information, etc. etc.  

Which does raise a question.  Are there other sorts of charts that you would use if you could do it in native Notes rich text?  I'm not too sure how I'd create a pie chart, but are there other sorts, such as Gantt charts or whatever you use, that you might use if you had a simple model showing you how?  I am not talking about a report writer, but just additions for our Report It! sample to help people who want to try different things out.  Drop me a line or respond here with any ideas.

Horizontal bar chart (to be included in Report It! 1.0 sample)
Inline JPEG image

Vertical bar chart (to be included in Report It! 2.0 sample)
Inline JPEG image

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