WYSIWYG Web Editors - Presumed Dead

TTW ("Through the Web") WYSIWYG Web Editors - Presumed Dead

Maintained as a general resource for web developers interested in adding a richer editing experience. All these of WYSIWYG rich text web editors work in-place in a browser window, either by replacing a textarea or by adding their own editable block. Commercial editors are indicated by a in the second column. Open source editors have a license link in the fifth column instead of a link to pricing. We do not endorse or guarantee your results with any editor, commercial or free. Respond - E-mail us about updates or other editors to include.

Chrome Firefox Internet Explorer Opera Mozilla Safari Netscape

Editors Presumed Dead - updated Jan. 31, 2011 (click for Living Editors)
Name$Sorted ascendingHitsCan be sorted descendingCost (or License)Browsers
Advanced Content Editor InfoCommercial editor49
AOI WYSIWYG Editor InfoCommercial editor49 
BCS Rich Text Editor for .NET InfoCommercial editor49
DevEdit InfoCommercial editor49From $149    
eWebEditPro InfoCommercial editor49From $359    
eWebEditPro+XML InfoCommercial editor49From $499    
eWebWP InfoCommercial editor49$99     
flash HTML editor InfoCommercial editor49
Html TextBox InfoCommercial editor49From $149
htmlEditbox InfoCommercial editor49From $40
JWebEdixx InfoCommercial editor49
KTML Online HTML Editor InfoCommercial editor49From $99   
Online Flash RTE InfoCommercial editor49
OU Courseware Advantage InfoCommercial editor49Pricing  
Rich Editor InfoCommercial editor49From $49
soEditor InfoCommercial editor49From $299
SoftChalk InfoCommercial editor49     
SpellChecker InfoCommercial editor49   
Tabula InfoCommercial editor49
tGedit InfoCommercial editor49   
Think HTML Edit Control InfoCommercial editor49From $250
tide InfoCommercial editor49LGPL
WebFlint Editor InfoCommercial editor49From £206
Wysiwyg InfoCommercial editor204From $47    
ActivEdit Info49From $100    
BlueShoes Wysiwyg Editor Info49Free for personal/owned website, from $460 per server    
bpEditor Info49GPL
CMFVisualEditor Info49GPL   
Easy Web Editor (EWE) Info49LGPL
Epoz Info49ZPL   
HTML Text Editor Applet49GPLUnknown
htmlArea Info49BSD   
HTOpenEdit Info49
IE Editor for Zope Info49GPL
IEWedit Info49GPL
Namo Web Editor Control Info49LGPL    
of_wysiwyg Info49LGPL
Online Content Editor Info49
ProtoPad Info49
RTWedit Info49LGPL    
scHTML Editor Info49
Simple HTML Info49
skyWriter Visual Editor Info49   
Wikiwyg Info49LGPL  
XS DHTML Editor Info49LGPL