WYSIWYG Web Editors - Presumed Dead

TTW ("Through the Web") WYSIWYG Web Editors - Presumed Dead

Maintained as a general resource for web developers interested in adding a richer editing experience. All these of WYSIWYG rich text web editors work in-place in a browser window, either by replacing a textarea or by adding their own editable block. Commercial editors are indicated by a in the second column. Open source editors have a license link in the fifth column instead of a link to pricing. We do not endorse or guarantee your results with any editor, commercial or free. Respond - E-mail us about updates or other editors to include.

Chrome Firefox Internet Explorer Opera Mozilla Safari Netscape

Editors Presumed Dead - updated Jan. 31, 2011 (click for Living Editors)
Name$Can be sorted ascendingHitsSorted descendingCost (or License)Browsers
Wysiwyg InfoCommercial editor204From $47    
ActivEdit Info49From $100    
Advanced Content Editor InfoCommercial editor49
AOI WYSIWYG Editor InfoCommercial editor49 
BCS Rich Text Editor for .NET InfoCommercial editor49
BlueShoes Wysiwyg Editor Info49Free for personal/owned website, from $460 per server    
bpEditor Info49GPL
CMFVisualEditor Info49GPL   
DevEdit InfoCommercial editor49From $149    
Easy Web Editor (EWE) Info49LGPL
Epoz Info49ZPL   
eWebEditPro InfoCommercial editor49From $359    
eWebEditPro+XML InfoCommercial editor49From $499    
eWebWP InfoCommercial editor49$99     
flash HTML editor InfoCommercial editor49
HTML Text Editor Applet49GPLUnknown
Html TextBox InfoCommercial editor49From $149
htmlArea Info49BSD   
htmlEditbox InfoCommercial editor49From $40
HTOpenEdit Info49
IE Editor for Zope Info49GPL
IEWedit Info49GPL
JWebEdixx InfoCommercial editor49
KTML Online HTML Editor InfoCommercial editor49From $99   
Namo Web Editor Control Info49LGPL    
of_wysiwyg Info49LGPL
Online Content Editor Info49
Online Flash RTE InfoCommercial editor49
OU Courseware Advantage InfoCommercial editor49Pricing  
ProtoPad Info49
Rich Editor InfoCommercial editor49From $49
RTWedit Info49LGPL    
scHTML Editor Info49
Simple HTML Info49
skyWriter Visual Editor Info49   
soEditor InfoCommercial editor49From $299
SoftChalk InfoCommercial editor49     
SpellChecker InfoCommercial editor49   
Tabula InfoCommercial editor49
tGedit InfoCommercial editor49   
Think HTML Edit Control InfoCommercial editor49From $250
tide InfoCommercial editor49LGPL
WebFlint Editor InfoCommercial editor49From £206
Wikiwyg Info49LGPL  
XS DHTML Editor Info49LGPL