Genii Weblog

Civility in critiquing the ideas of others is no vice. Rudeness in defending your own ideas is no virtue.

Thu 20 Jan 2005, 01:32 PM
Like Shrek with his layers, Notes/Domino 6.x and abive has layers, and ever since Notes 6 was released, I have thought it would be fun to create an application using them, but I have never gotten around to it.  Recently, Mike Midas wrote about a case where he used layers, and it appealed to me so much I had him add them to the Lotusphere 2005 Sessions DB in Version 3.  Here is a sneak peek:

Inline JPEG image

It is an interesting experiment.  Let me know what you think.

Here is the code used.  I don't know how redable this will be in here, so I left the agent in the Sessions database itself if you want to take a look (I color coded this, but it exceeded the limit for the blog, so I made it plain again):

'Create location subforms: 

Option Public
Option Declare
Uselsx "*lsxrtc"

Dim layer_count As Integer
Dim repid As String
Dim viewid As String
Dim room_w As Integer
Dim computed_x As Integer
Dim computed_y As Integer
Dim layer_id As String
Dim sublayer As GeniiRTChunk
Dim pos As Integer
Dim linktext As String
Dim url As String

Sub Initialize
   ' *** Notes backend class objects
  Dim session As New NotesSession
    Dim db As NotesDatabase
   Dim doc As NotesDocument
   Dim collection As NotesDocumentCollection
  Dim view As NotesView
    Dim viewnav As NotesViewNavigator
    Dim viewentry As NotesViewEntry
   ' *** These four "constants" are critical.  They determine the width and height of a
  ' *** unit, and therefore the width and height of everything around then, and the number of
   ' *** rows and columns to create.  In this version, they cannot be altered, as we have taken an
    ' *** image of the original to save space.  Now there is just one layer with a graphic.
  Dim w As Integer
  Dim h As Integer
  Dim rows As Integer
  Dim columns As Integer
  Dim full_w As Integer
  Dim full_h As Integer
  w = 10
  h = 20
  rows = 13
  columns = 14
  layer_count = 0
   room_w = 120
    full_w = (w*(columns*4))+room_w
    full_h = (h*rows)+40
   ' *** Midas Rich Text LSX class objects
  Dim gSession As New GeniiSession
    Dim rtitem As GeniiRTItem
  Dim rtchunk As GeniiRTChunk
    Dim rtLayer As GeniiRTChunk
  ' *** Miscellaneous processing vars
   Dim col As Integer
  Dim cols As Integer
  Dim row As Integer
  Dim loca As String
  Dim timestr As String
  ' *** Cycle through the selected documents
   Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
  Set collection = db.UnprocessedDocuments
  Set doc = collection.GetFirstDocument
    While Not (doc Is Nothing)
     repid = db.ReplicaID
       viewid = db.GetView("BySessionID").UniversalID
     loca = doc.SessionLocation(0)
     If Left(loca, 3) = "Y&B" Then
        loca = "Y-B"+Right(loca, Len(loca)-3)
     End If
     loca = doc.SessionDate(0)+" in "+loca
       Set rtitem = New GeniiRTItem
      ' *** Check to see if the subform already exists.  If so, just skip it
     rtitem.SuppressMessages = True
     Call rtitem.ConnectSubformBody(db.Server, db.FilePath, loca)
     If rtitem.IsConnected Then
        Goto skipit
       End If
     Delete rtitem
      ' *** Create a subform of the appropriate name
     Set rtitem = gSession.CreateSubform(db.Server, db.FilePath, loca, "Overwrite='Yes'")   
     Call rtitem.DefineFont("Arial")
     Call rtitem.DefineFont("Verdana")
      rtitem.URLFont = "7pt White Verdana'"
      rtitem.HyperlinkFont = "7pt White Verdana'"
      rtitem.ActionHotspotFont = "7pt White Verdana'"
      Set rtchunk = rtitem.DefineChunk("Everything")
       rtchunk.SetImpliedProperties = True
     rtchunk.ParagraphStyle = "LeftMarginOffset=1 RightMarginPercent=100"
       rtchunk.Font = "Arial 1pt"
     Call rtchunk.AppendLayer("auto", "auto", "300px", "678px", 0, |LayerHTMLID='Layer' BackgroundImage='sched.gif' BackgroundColor='White' Text=' '|, "LeftMarginPercent=0 FirstLineLeftMarginPercent=0 RightMarginPercent=100" )
     Set rtLayer = rtitem.DefineChunk("Inside Layer 1")
     rtLayer.SetImpliedProperties = True
     Set view = db.GetView("(embedded byLocDay)")
     Set viewnav = view.CreateViewNavFromCategory(doc.SessionDate(0)+":"+doc.SessionLocation(0))
     Set viewentry = viewnav.GetFirst
      While Not (viewentry Is Nothing)
        row = 0
         ' *** Use the session ID to figure out which track, and thus which row
        Select Case Left(viewentry.Document.SessionID(0), 2)
        Case "JM"
            row =13
         Case "BD"
            row = 12
        Case "ST"
            row = 11
        Case "AD"
            row = 10
        Case "ID"
            row = 9
         Case "BP"
            row = 8
         Case "CS"
            row = 7
         Case "GU"
            row = 6
         Case "FR"
            row = 5
         Case "BO"
            row = 4
         Case "CF"
            row = 3
         Case "SP"
            row = 2
         Case "HN"
            row =1
          End Select         
         ' *** Use the time range to figure out which column to start and and how many to use
        ' *** In a "real" application, I would use NotesDateTime objects and calculate all of
          ' *** this, but it was easier to brute force this for right now
         col = 0
         cols = 0
         Select Case viewentry.ColumnValues(2)
        Case " 7:00am -  8:00am"
             col = 0
            cols = 4          
        Case " 8:00am - 10:00am"
            col =4
             cols = 8
         Case " 8:30am -  9:30am"
             col =6
             cols = 4
         Case " 8:30am - 10:15am"
            col =6
             cols = 7                   
        Case "10:00am - 11:00am"
            col =12
            cols = 4          
        Case "10:30am - 12:30pm"
            col =14
            cols = 8          
        Case "11:00am - 12:00pm"
            col =16
            cols = 4
         Case "11:00am - 12:15pm"
            col =16
            cols = 5
         Case "11:15am - 12:15pm"
            col =17
            cols = 4
         Case "12:00pm -  1:00pm"
             col =20
            cols = 4
         Case " 1:00pm -  2:00pm"
             col =24
            cols = 4                   
        Case " 1:30pm -  2:30pm"
             col =26
            cols = 4          
        Case " 1:30pm -  2:45pm"
             col =26
            cols = 5
         Case " 1:30pm -  3:30pm"
             col =26
            cols = 8
         Case " 1:45pm -  3:00pm"
             col =27
            cols = 5             
        Case " 2:15pm -  3:15pm"
             col =29
            cols = 4                   
        Case " 2:30pm -  4:15pm"
             col =30
            cols = 7                   
        Case " 3:00pm -  4:00pm"
             col =32
            cols = 4
         Case " 3:00pm -  4:15pm"
             col =32
            cols = 5             
        Case " 3:45pm -  4:45pm"
             col =35
            cols = 4          
        Case " 4:00pm -  6:00pm"
             col =36
            cols = 8                            
        Case " 4:15pm -  5:15pm"
             col =37
            cols = 4                            
        Case " 4:45pm -  6:00pm"
             col =39
            cols = 5
         Case " 5:00pm -  6:00pm"
             col =40
            cols = 4                                     
        Case " 5:45pm -  7:00pm"
             col =43
            cols = 5
         Case " 6:15pm -  7:30pm"
             col =45
            cols = 5
         Case " 7:45pm -  9:00pm"
             col =51
            cols = 5
         Case Else
           Print "Need slot for " + viewentry.ColumnValues(2)
        End Select         
         ' *** Create a layer for the specified track and times, using the session id as the text and
         ' *** the title and speakers as the mouseover text
        If cols > 0 Then
           Call CreateCell(rtLayer, col*w, (w*cols)-1, ((row+1)*h), (h-1), full_w, full_h, "Red", _
            viewentry.Document.SessionID(0)+"|"+viewentry.ColumnValues(3)+" ("+Join(viewentry.Document.Speaker, ", ")+")", "7pt White Verdana'", "Justify=Center LeftMarginPercent=0 FirstLineLeftMarginPercent=0 RightMarginPercent=100", "", 0)   
        End If
        Set viewentry = viewnav.GetNext(viewentry)
       Delete rtitem
       Set doc = collection.GetNextDocument(doc)
End Sub

Sub CreateCell(rtLayer As GeniiRTChunk, x As Integer, xlen As Integer, y As Integer, ylen As Integer, max_x As Integer, max_y As Integer, color As String, textval As String, font As String, parastyle As String, hideformula As String, zindex As Integer)
   ' *** Use our special synax to create a mouse over hotspot
  pos = Instr(textval, "|")
  If pos > 0 Then
     linktext=Left(textval, pos-1)
     url = Mid(textval, pos+1, Len(textval)-pos)   
     pos = Instr(url, |"|)
     While pos > 0
         Mid$(url, pos, 1) = |'|
         pos = Instr(url, |"|)
     textval = ""
     linktext = ""
     url = ""
  End If
  computed_x = x+room_w
  computed_y = max_y-y
   layer_count = layer_count + 1
    layer_id = "L"+Cstr(layer_count)
  Call rtLayer.AppendLayer(Cstr(computed_y)+"px", Cstr(computed_x)+"px", Cstr(ylen)+"px", Cstr(xlen)+"px", zindex, |LayerHTMLID='|+layer_id+|' BackgroundColor='|+color+|' Text='|+textval+|' TextFont='|+font+|'|, parastyle)
  If linktext <> "" Then
      ' *** Using the ability to find a named layer, get a handle on the layer to set the hotspot.
     Set sublayer = rtLayer.RTItem.Everything.FindNamedChunk(True, "Layer", layer_id, "Exact")
     If Not (sublayer Is Nothing) Then
        Call sublayer.ZoomIn("Text 1")
          Call sublayer.AppendHotspot("Mouseover", |"|+url+|"|, "", linktext)
         Call sublayer.ZoomOut()
     End If
  End If
End Sub

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