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Civility in critiquing the ideas of others is no vice. Rudeness in defending your own ideas is no virtue.

Tue 16 Jun 2009, 05:08 PM
Just in case you wonder who might be reading these snarky posts I make about Outlook and Notes rendering, see this juxtaposition from my Nedstat results a few minutes ago.  I had to laugh.
Inline JPEG image

Copyright © 2009 Genii Software Ltd.


Tue 16 Jun 2009, 04:53 PM
After posting my video earlier in Efficient collaboration vs. Epic fail, I thought it was worth explaining that while Outlook 2007 and Notes 8.5 have some serious collaboration issues, the situation is not much better, and sometimes worse, with earlier versions or various combinations.  For example, the same missing image error is seen in Notes 8.0, and the image is missing all the time in Notes 6.5/7.  Similarly, if we create the same image in Outlook 2003:

Inline JPEG image

and then we send it to Notes 8/8.5, we get:

Inline JPEG image

This looks GREAT, but then if we do a Reply with History, we get the follow, even before it is sent.  Even though we don't see an attachment, the image is treated as an attachment and deleted.

Inline JPEG image

If we instead do a Reply with History and Attachments, we get 

Inline JPEG image

which at least has the image attached, but looks terrible.  Imagine if there were a few different images.  There is not even an indication of where the image was originally, nor a name which is useful.

Finally, if I happened to also open this mail in Notes 7 rather than in Notes 8/8.5, I'd get the following, completely missing the image.

Inline JPEG image

Of course, if I use iFidelity, then I get: the following, which looks great.

Inline JPEG image

And if I reply with History (not with attachments), I get the expected:

Inline JPEG image

Copyright © 2009 Genii Software Ltd.


Tue 16 Jun 2009, 02:19 PM
Among the many who have read my various posts on the issues with email rendering in Notes and Outlook, a few have questioned whether I wasn't perhaps either exaggerating the issues or coming up with situations more complex than would usually be sent through the mail.  A few others have questions my focus on Outlook 2003, and perhaps it is unfair to pick on a six year old product.  So, in this simple video, I am going to show you nothing but the latest.  Two economists, neither of whom cares what the other is using for email, are nonetheless in universities which have chosen Outlook 2007, the latest Outlook version, and Notes 8.5.0, the lastest Notes version.

These two economists would like to use basic collaboration, which I will define as one sending an email to the other, and that one replying.  The only contents of these emails will be a simple GIF graphic of a chart and a sentence or two aligned next to the image.  Watch, and decide for yourself whether this constitutes efficient collaboration or epic fail.  At the end of the video, I give a very short (45 second?) demo of how iFidelity can improve the collaboration for both of these economists, the one using Outlook and the one using Notes.

I do want to clarify here that the basic fault in the rendering is due to an Outlook 2007 error, even though it shows up as a failure in Notes.

Click on the image below to watch the short video where I do a (mostly) live demo.  I have clipped and snipped a bit to make this watchable, but have not changed any of the actual interactions.

Inline JPEG image

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