Genii Weblog

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Mon 26 Sep 2011, 02:25 PM
I mentioned this over the weekend on Google+ (follow me at if you like), but wanted to share it with more of the Lotus community.

I am playing with some very new and exciting features for the Lotusphere 2012 Sessions database. Some will support the database in Notes, but others are there for enhanced mobile support. This is an example of the latter.  I added an agent to the Lotusphere 2011 Sessions db (which is all populated and thus handy for demos). The agent creates an ePub file (most popular eReader format) for all the documents in the db which are tagged with a particular tag, in this case xpages. I then open the file in Adobe Digital Editions, but it could be opened on the iPhone or iPad or Android phone or tablet using any standard eReader software.

Click on the image below to see the one minute demo. Get your ticket to Lotusphere to try the real thing in January.

Inline JPEG image

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