Genii Weblog

Civility in critiquing the ideas of others is no vice. Rudeness in defending your own ideas is no virtue.

Wed 16 Oct 2013, 04:21 PM
IBM Designer Help? Sessions database from a conference? Something else? I'd be happy to oblige. (If you missed it, see my last post which has the Notes Client Help database as an EPUB file.

Copyright © 2013 Genii Software Ltd.


Wed 16 Oct 2013, 09:47 AM
Last night, Genii Software Ltd. released Version 5.00 of what is now known as the Midas LSX (formerly the Midas Rich Text LSX). This new release offers powerful features for using Notes/Domino data outside of the standard client, whether in XPages, mobile apps, portal apps and more or whether the data is to be migrated to SharePoint, Google Apps or elsewhere. Data can be exported as separate files or in capsule views.

Midas LSX 5.00 supports all Windows 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Notes/Domino from IBM Lotus Notes/Domino 6.5x to IBM Notes 9.x Social Edition.

Evaluation licenses may be requested by filling out the evaluation request form
Production licenses may be ordered through the production order form.
Midas LSX 5.00 for both 32-bit/64-bit Windows is available for download from the Midas Download page.
Existing customers with up-to-date maintenance for the Midas Rich Text LSX may request their free upgrade to Midas LSX 5.00 by contacting us at    

As a small gift to the Notes/Domino community, I have provided the IBM Notes 9 Client Help in ePub format at NotesClientHelp.epub. Put it on your tablet, phone, eReader or PC, and you'll always have Help when you need it.

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Copyright © 2013 Genii Software Ltd.
