Genii Weblog

Alan Lepofsky has started a way cool blog

Wed 2 Feb 2005, 11:59 PM

by Ben Langhinrichs
It is interesting how people tend to think of Alan Lepofsky and Ed Brill as interchangeable, but their blogs couldn't be more different.  Ed tends to focus on competitive issues with Microsoft, as well as positive news about IBM, and some travel news thrown in.  Alan's blog, on the other hand, is called IBM Lotus Notes/Domino Hints and Tips, and it is full of well documented and described tips that many people can use immediately.  Recent tips include how to shift table rows or bullet items with Ctrl-Arrow, how to use the Picture Properties to look more professional, and how to do Rapid style data entry.  Alan just keeps coming out with more, and all are clear and ready to use for in-house tips and tricks or training.  Even many seasoned Notes users are discovering new ways to do things, thanks to Alan.

Copyright © 2005 Genii Software Ltd.

What has been said:

282.1. Dan
(02/03/2005 11:54 AM)

You know Ben, you are absolutely on the money re: our perception of Alan's blog. I figured... it's probably the same kind of stuff that I read at Ed's. Why read about it twice? and I used to skip reading the blog. No more, suh!

Some excellent tips there. Part of my daily reading now :)