Genii Weblog
Rounded corners on photos as well
Thu 13 Oct 2005, 10:43 AM
Tweetby Ben Langhinrichs
I thought I should point out that rounded corners on tables (as described here and elaborated on here), do, of course, work on images as well. After all, why stick with:
when you could have a nice frame:
or perhaps partially rounded corners with a drop shadow:
or even a fancier frame:
A tip to remember. If you want to use a drop shadow effect, it helps to have a squared off right corner. If not, the white corner interferes with the effect.
Copyright © 2005 Genii Software Ltd.
What has been said:
379.1. Wild Bill (13/10/2005 09:48)
Ho ho !
Now I know what your lounge wall at home looks like.. Scary...!
Nice effects though..
---* Bill
379.2. Ben Langhinrichs (10/13/2005 08:51 PM)
Oddly enough, the only things hanging on my wall are a very old painting of Fred Ott's sneeze and a poem by my son which he gave me for Father's Day the year he turned twelve. No photos of me, no stag's head, not even a painting of a ship that just has to be Narnian. Nothing.