Genii Weblog

Gianugo Rabellino to Acquire Parmalat

Wed 16 Jan 2008, 01:57 PM

by Ben Langhinrichs
Gianugo Rabellino announced today an intention to acquire substantial stock in Parmalat.
Gianugo Rabellino (ZIP: 20033) and Parmalat (Milan: PLT.MI) announced today they have entered into a definitive agreement under which Mr. Rabellino will acquire a stock of six cartons of whole milk for €1.45 each. The offer is valued at approximately €8.70, plus 0.30€ tip for the delivery boy, to be paid entirely in cash (no freakin' corporate luncheon vouchers). "I expect this deal to provide me with at least 8g of fat", says Gianugo Rabellino, "of which no less than 5g saturated, which makes a great béchamel for my award-winning lasagne".
It just goes to prove that the business of the world is business... or something like that.

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