Genii Weblog

I shared

Wed 24 Dec 2008, 10:06 AM

by Ben Langhinrichs
The folks on the LotusphereBlog asked me to share my Lotusphere story.  In case you don't read their posts, here is my (poetic, of course) answer: Share your story - Ben Langhinrichs

Copyright © 2008 Genii Software Ltd.

What has been said:

742.1. Ray Bilyk
(12/24/2008 08:15 AM)

This does not work very well, but I'll try anyway:

I loved your story very much

I wish I can see you this year, but 'thems the brakes'

But you forgot something... you were maybe in a rush?

You didn't mention your love for shakes

742.2. Ben Langhinrichs
(12/24/2008 08:22 AM)

This poetry - I'm glad you'd try it.

As for shakes, I'm on a diet!

(OK, not really, but it rhymed)

742.3. Rodney Scott
(12/24/2008 07:13 PM)

Ben, one thing I love about your blogs is the creative expression. Whether it's an illustration to ensure none of us are confused by what you intend by the term "fail" or the suspense and drama of your Lotusphere story, you set yourself apart from the other Lotus Geeks.