What business problems does iFidelity solve?
At its core, email is communication between two or more people. Good communication relies on each person actually hearing what the other person says, clearly and accurately. Just as fidelity in a phone call ensures that the listener is able to hear and understand exactly what is said, fidelity in email ensures that the recipient is able to read and understand what was intended by the sender without difficulty. In addition, just as a scratchy or unreliable phone call annoys the listener and reflects badly on the caller, a badly rendered email annoys and reflects badly on the sender. While extensive work has gone into improving the mailbox experience for Lotus Notes users, far less effort has gone into ensuring that what is sent out is what is received. The problem iFidelity addresses is badly rendered, inaccurate, unprofessional emails sent to clients, customers and others within your own company.
iFidelity ensures that your email appears to your recipient the way you sent it, accurately and professionally rendered, whether your recipient is on a different email system, or is part of your own company but reading email through a smart phone or web client rather than a Notes client. In addition, iFidelity ensures that when you read an email, you get the most accurate and clean approximation of what the sender sent to you.
A simple visual example of just a few of the rendering issues is shown in this post, while one of many accuracy issues is shown in this post.
Better email. Better communication. Better impressions.
Copyright © 2009 Genii Software Ltd.
Tags: Lotus Notes iFidelity