Genii Weblog

Green artichokes and ham?

Tue 10 Jun 2003, 02:42 PM

by Ben Langhinrichs
Supporting your children's schools takes some odd forms.  My son's second grade teacher has told them frequently during the year that her favorite vegetable was artichokes.  Many of the kids had never tasted an artichoke, and were not even sure what it looked like, so she decided to have an artichoke party as the year was drawing to a close.  Since we live across the street from the school, we voluntered (read "my wife volunteered me") to cook the artichokes and carry them over at 2:30 in time for the party.  Butter and such were melted at school.  So, a few minutes ago, I carried over the four artichokes I had been cooking, and entered the classroom to find the teacher reading a slightly adapted Dr. Seuss tale, Green Artichokes and Ham, to psychologically prepare the kids for their artichoke feast.
It reminds me of some Penumbra meetings.  Not sure why.

Copyright © 2003 Genii Software Ltd.

What has been said:

16.1. Colin Williams
(06/11/2003 05:55 AM) did the kids enjoy the Artichokes?

Wierdest things I've ever tasted although I'm pretty sure the ones I've tried were pickled in brine or something - the thought at the time was "ok, what idiot picked these off a tree and decided to eat them???"

Actually I'm sure it was this dude called "Arty" and well the rest is pretty obvious.

Doesn't explain why people still eat 'em though! ;-)

16.2. Ben Langhinrichs
(06/11/2003 08:42 AM)

Actually, they were much more enthusistic than I would have guessed. They didn't all like them, but I number loved them and kept asking for more.

I like artichokes a lot, but mostly steamed for about 45 minutes and then dip the leaves in either melted butter, or melted butter and lemon juice, or to be really fancy, Hollandaise suace. Mmm!