Genii Weblog
Minimalist coding
Tue 14 Oct 2003, 11:47 PM
Tweetby Ben Langhinrichs
How short is your shortest useful agent? This one I wrote today converts Notes bitmaps to GIF format for every rich text field on the current document (there are several rich text fields in this form which might have images). The full code is:
'Convert Bitmaps to GIFs for all:
Option Public
Option Declare
Uselsx "*lsxrtc"
Sub Initialize
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim gSession As New GeniiSession
Set doc = session.DocumentContext
On Event ActOnItem From gSession Call ConvertBitmaps
Call gSession.BatchBackend(doc.Handle, "*")
End Sub
Sub ConvertBitmaps(Source As GeniiSession, Byval action As String, Byval properties As String, skipnote As Integer, continue As Integer)
Print "Converting bitmaps in " & Source.BatchRTItem.Fieldname
Call Source.BatchRTItem.Everything.ConvertBitmaps
End Sub
You don't get much shorter. Maybe I should comment it or something.
Copyright © 2003 Genii Software Ltd.
What has been said:
55.1. Jens-Christian Fischer (10/15/2003 08:52 AM)
I. need. this.
This is the 3.20, right?
55.2. Ben Langhinrichs (10/15/2003 11:11 AM)
Yes, that's Version 3.20. I guess I should post a "What's New in 3.20" summary. It will be out shortly.