Genii Weblog
Speaking in Chicago at GRANITE User Group
Wed 29 Sep 2004, 09:45 AM
Tweetby Ben Langhinrichs
Copyright © 2004 Genii Software Ltd.
What has been said:
214.1. Bruce Elgort (09/29/2004 01:53 PM)
Where did the name Midas come from? I remember Mida Muffler's "Midas Touch" but I have always wondered how your products got the name Midas.
Also, good luck with your presentation at GRANITE.
214.2. Ben Langhinrichs (09/29/2004 02:14 PM)
The origin of the name Midas:
Back in 1997, when I was ready to beta test this rich text thingy, I needed a name, and having a mythological bent, I tried to think of mythological references to riches. The most obvious was King Midas, who turned everything he touched to Gold. Therefore, I decided to use the code name Midas. The only trouble was, once I was ready to roll out the live product, everybody, including me, was hooked on the name, so instead of coming up with some fancy IBMish "Genii Software LSX for Creating, Manipulating and Generally Munging IBM Lotus Notes Proprietary Rich Text Format Fields", I just stuck with Midas. It seems to work across various cultures, since the name Midas is used in several languages to refer to King Midas. That's the story.
214.3. Duffbert (09/30/2004 07:33 AM)
If you are ever out in Portland on the third Tuesday of the month, you are always welcome to speak to our user group...
Especially now that I'm in charge of it. :-)
214.4. Bruce Elgort (09/30/2004 09:21 AM)
And I am co-in charge of it too! :-)
214.5. Duffbert (09/30/2004 08:04 PM)
And the fact that Bruce and I are co-owners of a user group should strike fear into IBM's collective heart. :-)