Genii Weblog

Version 2 of LS 2005 Sessions db available

Tue 11 Jan 2005, 12:04 AM

by Ben Langhinrichs
I have just posted Version 2 of our LS 2005 Sessions DB.  There have been many changes and there is better data than in Version 1.  Abstracts that were truncated have been re-imported properly.  Bloggers and CULT shirt sponsors (or at least some of them) have been added.  Christopher Byrne contributed a great new look for the views.  The Person document has been cleaned up considerably as well.  The session preferences now show up in the Session Preference calendar.  The GURU, CertFX and Workplace Forum sessions all have the correct variables so repeats do not show up when they should not.  Finally, the difficulty rating has been more universally applied.

Please note, this version is ND6/6.5 only.  Not tested in ND7 beta, and it won't work in R5.  Respond to my post on ND6 and R5 support if you would like to express a preference for R5.  I do plan to make an R5 version to be ready by Tuesday evening, but I'd like any feedback on how stripped down you think it should be.

Copyright © 2005 Genii Software Ltd.

What has been said:

268.1. Rob McDonagh
(01/11/2005 06:11 AM)

There's a new issue somewhere in the repeats, Ben. The repeat sessions are all visible in the same time slot. For example, AD209 - one of the two session docs has sessTimes etc as multi-valued with both timeslots, and the other only has the one value. Both show, in the views and the repeats tab, under the same timeslot. The full document view, of course, shows the repeat correctly in the doc that has both sessTimes/sessDates values. Just an FYI...

268.2. Bob Warth
(01/12/2005 07:39 AM)

Ben, many thanks for making this database available again this year. It's obvious that it takes some effort and I feel it's important to let you know that I (and many others) do get a lot of benefit from it year after year. I know you don't like beer but I will find some way to return the favor.