Genii Weblog

Wow! People are certainly excited about Lotusphere this year

Tue 5 Dec 2006, 11:10 PM

by Ben Langhinrichs
There have already been 1240 downloads of our Lotusphere 2007 Sessions DB and it is only the 5th of December.  That is quiote a response.  I wonder how many people will be at Lotusphere this year.

I better get working on my session,  which I think will be an especially good one, and seems to be very popular.  Just remember:

BP203 Integrating WYSIWYG Web Editors with IBM Lotus Domino (web link)
Speaker: Ben Langhinrichs
DL S. Hemisphere II - Tuesday  3:00pm - 4:00pm

Copyright © 2006 Genii Software Ltd.

What has been said:

526.1. Curt Stone
(12/06/2006 08:07 AM)

That's great. Seems to me we're ahead of schedule from last year with all the sessions posted with times and your database already posted. I've been using the database and it's a great tool. I'm always excited about Lotusphere!