Genii Weblog

LS12 Session db getting fancier

Tue 10 Jan 2012, 03:20 PM

by Ben Langhinrichs
There's more to come, but just a few tidbits you might notice if you download the Lotusphere 2012 Sessions db V1.1 or replicate the latest changes.

First, inside a session there is now a bit more information than before about the speakers. Their names are linked to their profile, and they have little icons which indicate some things about the speaker. For example, below is a screen capture from BP103, given by Tim Clark and Matt White. By glancing at the icons after their names, we can see that Tim Clark has a Twitter id, and that Matt White is an IBM Champion (the star!), and has both Twitter and Google+ ids.

Inline JPEG image

Now, if we click on the link for Matt White, we get to his profile. Some of the new features in the profile are pointed at by elegant red arrows, including links to his social network ids and a photo so that you can recognize Matt if you see him wandering around Lotusphere.

Inline JPEG image

Of course, it isn't only speakers who want to stay connected. Your social ids are welcome as well, and a photo can help people recognize you. Here's how:

Either send your photo (no more than 200px, optimal is 200x200) or let me know where I can get it. I have taken some from Google+, as it happens to use 200x200. As for adding your social ids, here is how:

On Google+, go to the Lotusphere Sessions G+ page and add the page to your circles. For some annoying reason, just +1ing the page doesn't give me access to your name and id.

On Facebook, go to the Lotusphere Sessions FB page and Like the page itself (not the post inside).

On Twitter, tweet your name and id to @blanghinrichs.

I still enter the photos and ids manually, so it isn't instantaneous, but this helps a great deal in getting accurate and timely information. Encourage your friends as well.  The more people who use it, the more other people will know to look for it.  

Copyright © 2012 Genii Software Ltd.

What has been said:

1009.1. Eric Mack
(01/10/2012 09:06 PM)

Wow! Excellent work and a useful tool that is greatly appreciated by the community. For me, your sessions DB adds value year-round. Thanks for this extraordinary effort.


PS. I'll send updated photo