Genii Weblog

Out Of Notes Part 1: The Challenge

Wed 19 Jun 2013, 03:37 PM

by Ben Langhinrichs
This is the first in my new series, Out Of Notes, which shows how the Midas Rich Text LSX can be used to take data out of complex, structured Notes documents and use it elsewhere. Whether a company needs to send small snapshots of documents usable outside of a Notes environment, or needs to export all of its data to an external system such as Sharepoint, they need the data in some different format. Midas allows high fidelity, flexible exports in a variety of formats. The one shown here is the Microsoft Web Archive format (*.mht), which is only visible in Internet Explorer, but which is a very handy single file format containing images, formatting and data together. Future videos in the series will show exports to structured columnar formats such as .csv, ePublishing formats such as EPUB, word processing formats such as MS Word and display formats such as HTML. In addition, the ability to create collections based on selection, view or formula and tied together with exported views will also be shown.
Note: Accurate closed captions have been provided, and if English is not your first language, you might want to turn on the auto-translate.

Copyright © 2013 Genii Software Ltd.

What has been said:

1027.1. Stephan H. Wissel
(06/19/2013 11:22 PM)

I dissected mht recently and it very much looked like a mime message to me (minus the sender headers). So I wonder... if you rename it to .mime would it open in eMail properly? Also: I think Firefox does support it too

1027.2. Werner Goetz
(20.06.2013 00:58)

What's about PDF as output format?

1027.3. Ben Langhinrichs
(06/20/2013 06:55 AM)

Stephan - This definitely is a MIME format, but there are some differences between that and the .eml MIME format used for email. Midas handles both, and simply changing the name BEFORE you export will handle the differences. For example, .eml have mail headers such as From, To, Received, while .mht does not. Also, attachments are encoded inside the single file for .eml, but not for .mht

1027.4. Ben Langhinrichs
(06/20/2013 06:57 AM)

Werner - It's coming, though honestly the EPUB format we support in Midas 5 may be more relevant and important for the coming years, as it is reflowable and opens automatically on iPhones/iPads and many Android devices.