iFidelity™ for Lotus Notes - Mail fidelity for Inbound/Outbound/iNotes
iFidelity Gateway™ - Mail fidelity for Outbound Domino mail

Inside your company, your emails look great, as carefully formatted when they arrive as when they are sent. But how do they look when you send them outside your company? You need to be confident that they are seeing what you sent, and that your mail is attractive to your customers and colleagues as it is to your coworkers.
Now, with no programming or developer assistance needed, iFidelity for Lotus Notes gives you the confidence to create emails that are as polished and professional as the image you want to project. Whether your contacts are using Lotus Notes, Outlook, Gmail or webmail, iFdelity will make sure they see what you sent.
Best of all, iFidelity is simple to install and configure, and requires no developers or design changes. Simple configuration is done once while installing, and then you can just forget iFidelity is there.
Ready to try? Request an evaluation license on-line.
Ready to buy? Order licenses on-line or by e-mail or by phone at +1 216-991-5220.
Ready to get started? Download the manual in OpenDocument format or in MS Word format, download the iFidelity software itself. | 
Recent posts about iFidelity (sometimes referred to as CoexLinks 3):
If you want a general overview: See the FAQ below for specific answers to commonly asked questions.
If you need technical support, or have additional questions: To ask questions that are not answered in our FAQ, contact our e-mail support. If you have an urgent problem or complex questions, please give us a call at +1 (216) 991-5220. |
Features |
• High fidelity rendering of all outbound Internet email to provide a professional impression
• High fidelity rendering of all Notes rich text email read through iNotes
• High fidelity rendering of all forwarded and replied to email through iNotes
• High fidelity rendering of inbound Internet mail (unless we determine it would be better rendered by Notes) |
System Requirements |
• Domino server: ND6.02+, ND6.5, ND7, ND8, ND8.5 on Windows, AIX, Linux - No additional memory/processor requirements
• Notes clients: Notes clients from Notes R5 up through Notes 8.x on Windows, Macintosh or Linux platforms
• External mail clients: Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Google GMail or almost any other mail client |
Pricing |
A license for iFidelity™ for Lotus Notes or iFidelity Gateway™ is required for each IBM Lotus Domino server which uses the software. The iFidelity™ for Lotus Notes pricing is per user, while the iFidelity Gateway™ license is $8000 US for each server. For specific pricing see the iFidelity Pricing page, or contact us for a quote at +1 740-205-1126 or, from outside North America, at +44 (0) 208 099 8324, or by e-mail at Sales@GeniiSoft.com. There is a 25% renewal charge per year after the first year. Maintenance must be maintained continuously to receive support and free upgrades. |
Frequently Asked Questions about iFidelity for Lotus Notes
1) Do I have to change the design of my mail template to use iFidelity?
No. iFidelity runs as a plug-in, invisibly making changes under the level of the individual databases, with absolutely no code changes required. This makes it very easy to install, and allows it to work with third party packages which may send formatted email as part of a workflow, subscription or newsletter process. These third party packages cannot be altered, so it is important that iFidelity does not require code changes.
2) Is iFidelity easy to install and configure?
Yes. Installation is simply the addition of a single DLL (shared library on UNIX systems) and a license file, both in the same directory as your Domino server software. Configuration is as simple as adding a single line to your NOTES.INI file. After that, iFidelity or iFidelity Gateway run as part of the Domino server software.
3) Does iFidelity use any unsupported calls that might cause trouble in future versions?
No. iFidelity is written using completely standard and portable calls in the C API toolkit, along with manipulation of structures defined in the C API headers. This doesn't mean it was easy to write, just that all calls and structures are guaranteed by IBM not to change, thus ensuring reasonable upward compatibility.
4) Is iFidelity tied to a particular version or point release of Domino 6.02+/6.5/7/8/8.5?
No. iFidelity should work with all versions and point releases in Domino 6 starting with 6.0.2, and all versions and point releases in Domino 6.5, Domino 7, Domino 8 and Domino 8.5 without any alteration. Obviously, feature releases such as 9 would require re-testing before they could be certified as supported. Also, some functionality may be more useful in later versions, such as the improved iNotes forwarding in Domino 8.5, which uses the Dojo editor for better control.
5) Will iFidelity redirect my mail?
No. All routing is handled by standard Notes/Domino mechanisms. iFidelity is only responsible for rendering email, not any other routing or redirection.
6) How quickly will iFidelity pay for itself?
That depends entirely on your Notes/Domino use and what the cost of making a bad impression might be on your business.
7) Do you have local support in [name that region]?
Yes and no. Our main offices are in Cleveland, OH in the United States, and we have a support center in the United Kingdom as well, but support is available all over the world. With customers in 47 countries, we are very familiar with the issues in supporting companies in different locales. When a problem arises, our developers and support staff are prepared to deal with it no matter where the customer resides.
8) How do I know Genii Software will still be there next week or next year?
There are never any absolute guarantees, but Genii Software has been around since 1994, and providing Notes solutions and supporting Notes customers since 1995. While bigger companies have failed with the dot com bust or the recent financial meltdown, or simply through overreaching, we have stayed strong and grown by focusing on our areas of expertise and by never forgetting the customer.
It should also be notes that iFdelity does not force any lock-in at all. If you decided to stop using it one day, everything would continue to function, except with the default Domino rendering. There are no design changes to undo, or any other changes to remediate. iFdelity just does the Notes/Domino rendering job... better.