As I mentioned yesterday, the 2004 Lotus Awards (formerly Beacon Awards) finalists have been announced. While I saw spamJam right away, I didn't notice that Instant Technologies had also won. As you may know, Instant Technologies is where fellow Domino blogger Carl Tyler works his magic. As the Lotus site says about their product: Instant Agent Framework (IAF) for IBM Lotus Instant Messaging from Instant Technologies allows companies to offer Lotus Instant Messaging users with self-service access to information stored in their corporate databases and directories. IAF lets developers rapidly create "bots" capable of accessing a wide range of data sources. Users can quickly get answers delivered to them through a variety of interfaces, including Lotus Notes, IBM Lotus Workplace, WebSphere Portal and mobile devices. IAF not only has helped companies improve employee satisfaction with IT, it reduces the burden on various departments continually deluged with information requests.
Congratulations to Instant Technologies, and Carl Tyler!
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