(with a tip of the hat to Dr. Seuss)The problem with having a daughter so pleasant
Is all the guys hovering round to be present
Whenever she deigns upon one to bestow
The title of someone she'd best like to know.
The losers line up, roll the dice, take a chance
That maybe she's ready and willing to dance
But the dancing she's chancing to do is away
Just when they're hoping she's moving their way.
This is all very well when the fellows she's spurning
Are ones for whom social skills still need some learning
or perhaps those who don't quite exhibit savoir-faire
(Not to mention the losers with no "there"... up there)
But what if she doesn't find a fellow worth finding?
Not one lucky guy whose faults aren't worth minding?
Can a patient dad be pardoned for hoping meanwhile
That eventually she finds someone somewhat... normile?
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