The hardest job is housecleaning, but it has to be done, whether in your office, in your garage or on your website. Today, I started cleaning up the Web Editors list, as it seems to get a fair number of hits and it seems only fair to make it presentable and ensure the information is up to date. I did the simple stuff, such as adding border-collapse: collapse to the table HTML style property to make nice clean lines, and getting rid of some extraneous columns, etc., but the hard job is visiting each site and making sure the information is still accurate. Since my daughter is home from college for a week and looking for work, I think I'll pay her to do that job. I also have to make sure that new editors, such as TinyMCE, which I just added, and Xinha, which I haven't yet, are properly described.
If only I were as clever as Tom Sawyer and could convince my daughter that this was desirable work...
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