I arrived at the airport at about 2:30pm, realized I had never reserved my Disney's Magical Express, which would have gotten me to the Yacht Club free. Oh well, I spent my first of many dollars getting the Mears shuttle. After checking in, I wandered over to the blogger get together on the Boardwalk. Caught up with Bruce Elgort, Duffbert (who asked after Crystal - it's time to move on, man!), Julian Robichaux, Jon Vaughan, Ed Brill, John Head, Kitty Elsmore, Christopher Byrne, Alan Bell, and about a dozen others whose names will come to me about two seconds after I save this.
Later, I was off to the Penumbra dinner, which was quite good, although I don't eat red meat and the alternative was crab cakes, which make a better appetizer than main course. But enough about the food. There were many great guests from IBM and other industry leaders. Wild Bill Buchan, decked out in full Scottish regalia, was elected to Penumbra's board of directors, inspiring his fellow board members, Lance Spellman and Mark Ramos to surprise Bill by donning kilts as well. A female guest at my table even said Mark has nice legs, but she shall remain nameless.
Finally, C.U.L.T. shirts were handed out, and we had fun coming up with clever "I AM..." statements. A good time was had by all.
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