Genii Weblog

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Mon 22 Nov 2010, 09:20 PM
On Friday, I showed how CoexEdit handles tabbed tables in the standard 8.5.2 xPages discussion without requiring design changes.  Stephan Wissell suggested that I tackle inline attachments next, so I posted about how they can be handled better.  Both are from the Top 10 enhancements people want to see in the CKEditor according to Mary Beth Raven. I figured each business day I would go through and show how CoexEdit can fix CKEditor without touching it in any way. If there are any of those ten you would like to see more about, post a comment. Otherwise, I'll just pick one at random.

  1. Pictures (embedded and stored locally) 
  2. Inline attachments (done)  Day 2 post
  3. Spellcheck
  4. Automatic correction 
  5. Sections 
  6. Tabbed tables (done)  Day 1 post
  7. Double, Single, and ½ spacing 
  8. Live text 
  9. Permanent pen 
  10. Automatic capitalization

I know I am not exactly fixing CKEditor, but instead fixing its use with this feature in web coexistence. Sometimes, that will also fix CKEditor, but there is a distinction.  Also, there are four items (spellcheck, automatic correction, Permanent pen and automatic capitalization) which are editor behaviors, so I'll skip those and put in four other features important to web editing coexistence, trying to synch them up with the four features I can't directly fix..

Copyright © 2010 Genii Software Ltd.


Mon 22 Nov 2010, 04:34 PM
The second in my series of fixes for one of the Top 10 enhancements people want to see in the CKEditor that Mary Beth Raven identified, inline attachments.  To be clear, my fix requires our software product.  The core method for attaching files has not changed, although I am looking at ways we could possibly do that, but the ability to add a file attachment in a specific 

In this series of screenshots, I am using CoexEdit in its "no design change" mode, meaning that I create a database based on IBM's Discussion: Notes & Web (8.5.2)  template unmodified.  I make no changes to the design at all.  An administrator without Designer could install and implement this solution. In keeping with this series, I am going to show the fixed version first, so those of you who already know what the current version is like can just see the first few slides.

Since my blog cuts the images off, click on any one to pop that image into its own window.

Figure 1: Document in CKEditor with three attached files (CoexEdit turned on). The (See attached file: 'try.odt') was added manually for now, but is automatic when the file is attached in Notes.

Figure 2: Document saved in CKEditor with three attached files (CoexEdit turned on).

Figure 3: Document edited in Notes has attachments replacing the "See attached..." text (CoexEdit turned on).

Figure 4: Document back in CKEditor with all three attachments (CoexEdit turned on).

Figure 5: Document in CKEditor with three attached files (no CoexEdit).

Figure 6: Document saved in CKEditor only has two attached files (no CoexEdit).

Figure 7: Document edited in Notes with only two attached files (no CoexEdit).

Figure 8: Document edited in Notes with all three manually attached files in place (no CoexEdit).

Figure 9: Document edited in CKEditor on web with all three attached files (no CoexEdit).

Figure 10: Document in Notes only has two attached files, but "See attached..." for three (no CoexEdit).

Figure 11: Document in CKEditor after edit/saves in both a few times with lots of "See attached..." (no CoexEdit).

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