Genii Weblog

Civility in critiquing the ideas of others is no vice. Rudeness in defending your own ideas is no virtue.

Sun 30 Jan 2011, 05:02 PM
Once your sessions have been given, how about posting the presentations right away and letting me know?  John Head did already, and his session is the first to have an external link so that those unfortunate enough not to attend can also share the wisdom.

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Copyright © 2011 Genii Software Ltd.


Sun 30 Jan 2011, 01:37 PM
Thanks to Karsten Lehmann (and his post LS11: Updated list of download links), there are now PDF links in each session document in the LS11 Sessions db that has a PDF available.  (To clarify, Karsten didn't add them to the database, just made them available and I added them.) The links are to the PDF file on LSOnline, so you obviously need to be able to log in to get them, but this makes one-click access available inside the session record.  As an example, here is one of Karsten's own sessions:

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Copyright © 2011 Genii Software Ltd.


Sun 30 Jan 2011, 09:05 AM
This is it.  You have made it to Day 1 of Lotusphere, Business Development Day for Business Partners and JumpStart day for many others. And for everybody, there is one particular thing to look forward to:

FUN101 Welcome Reception (web link)
Speaker: Everybody
Dolphin Poolside - Sunday  6:30pm - 9:00pm

Already, you can see that you have too much planned, too many must-do events, too many people to meet... and you wouldn't trade any of it for a snowy day in Cleveland.  Enjoy!

I have a request and a suggestion,  If you go into a session you really, really like (or really, really hate), tweet about it.  Let the speaker know you enjoyed it. Let others know to avoid the repeat. It is time to do more than go to sessions on social networks, it is time to walk the walk.  As an aid, every session has a Tweet button for you, as well as a way to Check-In with FourSquare.  Use them and let people know.

Finally, here are two sessions I wish I could attend that I recommend for you.  If you attend, let me know how they are:

JMP206 How I Went Beyond the Hype, Narcissism, and Trendiness to Become a Social Software Super Hero (web link)
Speakers: Bruce Elgort, Chris Martin
DL S. Hemisphere II - Sunday  10:30am - 12:30pm

Let's face it - social networking and social software is everywhere, and the term "social" could easily be the buzzword of the year. Embedded in the television shows that we watch, the websites that we visit and the latest offerings of mobile devices, social media is infiltrating our daily lives. The business world is not exempt from the expansion of social media apps either and many companies are exploring, and in some cases scrambling to find, ways they can use and integrate social networking tools and services in their existing applications. In this session, we'll introduce you to social media & software. You'll hear from industry leaders, IBMers and Lotus community members about their experiences using social software in business.

JMP103 Jumpstart Your "Jedi Plug-in Development Skills" with the Masters (web link)
Speakers: Ryan Baxter, Mikkel Heisterberg
DL S. Hemisphere I - Sunday  1:30pm - 3:30pm

Come to this session to get up and running on plug-in development for Lotus Notes, Lotus Sametime and Lotus Symphony & learn the ropes to get started. We'll take you from getting the Eclipse IDE and Lotus Expeditor Toolkit installed to configuring, testing and verifying your setup. Next, you'll learn the basics of plug-in development and based on real-life examples, you'll see how easy plug-in development can be -- and how to reap the rewards. And since there's there's "no good" in having great plug-ins if they never reach user workstations, we'll finish the session with end-to-end information on plug-in signing and widget deployment. This is a "must see" session if you want to get started with plug-in development but never knew how. May the Force be with you.

Copyright © 2011 Genii Software Ltd.
