Genii Weblog

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Sun 13 Feb 2011, 08:52 AM
The Lotusphere Sessions db is taking on its traditional role of storing links to blogs, slideshare, websites and anywhere else that people have chosen to share their presentations and other resources with the wide world. Just replicate and go to the Resource Links view.

Inside each presentation, you will find links. While there, look at the Additional Resources below for books, courses, webcasts and other items that might be relevant to you. Click on any one for more information. 

Note: Chris Miller made the excellent point that the Lotusphere-2011 Slideshare group is doing well. The reason I am continuing to add these in the Sessions database is that not everybody puts their slides on Slideshare, as evidenced by the 31 presentations in that group and the 48 I have listed. That said, I encourage people to add their slides to the Slideshare group, as not everybody is going to replicate and check the Sessions db.

Also, note that all of these sessions are treated as "archived sessions" for the IdoSphere Sessions database, as well as the upcoming EnwicklerCamp Sessions db.

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