Genii Weblog

Civility in critiquing the ideas of others is no vice. Rudeness in defending your own ideas is no virtue.

Mon 4 Apr 2016, 05:39 PM
I will be presenting a couple of sessions at EntwcklerCamp on April 11‒13 in Gelsenkirchen, Germany, and I'm also planning on doing at least one sponsor session. I'd be happy to show CoexLinks Fidelity or any of our products to anyone who would like to see them up close and personal. The most popular right now is CoexLinks, especially given our soon-to-be-released addition of migration capabilities which can make a move to IBM Verse much better, but the data extraction features in the Midas LSX continue to be popular (and fun to demo).
Let me know beforehand if you need a specific meeting time, but otherwise just tap me on the shoulder and say something not in German, and I'd be happy to show you what we've got or listen to what you'd like to see (we might have that as well).

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