This is a follow up on my post, A funny thing happened on the way to mobile, which described the new HCL projects to put the full Notes code on mobile devices, including rich text on an iPad in email. So, as a first follow up, what happens if that email is sent to Outlook365 (as part of Office365)? Because there are different engines that create client MIME or server MIME, I sent the email via each so you could see how it both renders poorly and renders inconsistently. For this, I used the vertical bar chart which is simply a table with different color images used to display the bars. An important thing to note is that each bar has mouseover text which provides more details.
So, first lets look at how the email works if the location setting on the client is set to send rich text.
In O365 after rendering by Domino 10.0.1 server as outbound mail. Scale of table is way off, and the mouseover text is missing entirely.
Well, that wasn't ideal, but the Notes client rendering is somewhat better for tables, so let's try that.
In O365 after rendering by Notes 10.0.1 client as outbound mail. Scale of table is okay, but bars are oddly centered vertically, and the mouseover text is still missing.
So, this is how our CoexLinks Fidelity handles things better.
In O365 after rendering by CoexLinks Fidelity. Scale of table is correct and mouseover text works. Looks and works as it did in Notes.
Now, most emails aren't this complicated. In companies we have worked with, the number of emails where CoexLinks Fidelity either substantially improved the fidelity or preserved information (such as the mouseover text or section titles which were lost) ranged from 1.5% to 7% of the total emails sent. So, if your organization sends one hundred thousand emails a day, that is only 1500 to 7000 emails a day where your clients/partners/executives are scratching their heads and wondering what the heck is wrong with you.
By the way, if you are wondering how this all works in Gmail, it is basically the same story. I'd be happy to show you if you are curious, or you can try for yourself.
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Tags: HCL Lotus Notes Domino O365 Outlook