The past six months have been difficult. As some of you know, my father is dying. I don't talk about it a lot (heck, I haven't been talking about anything a lot recently), but he is at the hospice stage now, so it is only a matter of time. The whole experience has been very tough on my mom as well. They've been married fifty-three years, so it is emotionally rough even imagining him gone, but the care giving role also takes a great toll. I have a brother who is a nurse who lives near them, and he's been a great help.
In any case, I've been working with clients on custom work, and working on new releases of all three major product lines (CoexLinks, CoexEdit and Midas), but haven't felt right about releasing anything major when I have been so distracted. As things are settling down some with my dad (he doesn't leave his bed much), I am going to try to get these out so that customers can take advantage of some of the cool new features. More about that later, though. For now, I just wanted you to know that I am here and alive, despite my near total silence.
For those who want the quick family catch up, my wife is working as an aide and tutor at the elementary school across the street (an enviable commute) and absolutely loving it. She started on a volunteer basis, but they insisted on hiring once she started working with multiple classes. My daughter is high up on Obama's digital team working on the 2012 campaign (read: no sleep, bad food, amazing opportunities). Hard to believe the level she has reached by 25... unless you know her. My older son is graduating from the University of Chicago in three weeks, after which he hopes to take the summer off doing "some grunt work" in Washington, DC. My younger son is finishing up junior year, having taken Russian, Greek and Latin along with slews of other horribly difficult courses that make my brain hurt. College, and thus empty-nesting for us, looms.
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