Genii Weblog

Civility in critiquing the ideas of others is no vice. Rudeness in defending your own ideas is no virtue.

Wed 22 Apr 2015, 05:37 PM
I just got my account today (or rather, just found the email saying it was set up on the 17th), so I decided to record my very first email to IBM verse and my experience with it. Since I have been curious how IBM verse would handle highly formatted email, I went ahead and sent several emails through CoexLinks Fidelity to see how Verse would handle them.
Remember, I recorded this straight through, and while I edited it down to make it brief and recorded the narration after that, this is my first time using IBM Verse directly. (Some may remember that a friend was kind enough to run one message through for me back in the beta days.) Obviously, I haven't scratched the surface of the other features of Verse, but if people enjoy this sort of thing, I'd be happy to record that as well.
You can try CoexLinks Fidelity with your own IBM Verse account  by requesting an evaluation license, installing the software, adding a few lines to the NOTES.INI and restarting the server, and then sending email to your IBM Verse account. As soon as we can get our own installable version, I can even see how to improve that as well.
Best viewed in HD. Closed captions will be provided shortly., though the majority of the impact is visual.

Copyright © 2015 Genii Software Ltd.

Wed 22 Apr 2015, 06:43 AM
In case you wonder how collapsed sections render with CoexLinks Fidelity (the kind of thing we have to worry about so you don't have to), remember that whatever we do in Tulsa, we also have to do in Tel Aviv, except backwards in heels, er, I mean right to left.

If you don't read Hebrew (I certainly don't), concentrate on the shape of the section titles... or just notice that the section titles are completely missing in the Notes rendering. No matter how important the section title is for categorization, identification or clarification, the section title just goes poof!  You may also note that in email systems that render less well, such as Outlook 365 where gradient colors are not supported, CoexLinks Fidelity makes sure they degrade nicely to a solid color.

You can try CoexLinks Fidelity just by requesting an evaluation license, installing the software, adding a few lines to the NOTES.INI and restarting the server. No other changes needed. Just add fidelity and stir.

Copyright © 2015 Genii Software Ltd.


Fri 17 Apr 2015, 11:46 AM
Even when your language is read right-to-left as with Hebrew or Arabic and your tabs on your tabbed table are on the right, the text in those tabs have meaning, but when a tabbed table is sent with standard Notes cllient MIME rendering, the tabs are lost along with other relevant features. With CoexLinks Fidelity, you get a rendering which makes sense. See if you can find all the differences (aside from the tabs being missing).

You can try CoexLinks Fidelity just by requesting an evaluation license, installing the software, adding a few lines to the NOTES.INI and restarting the server. No other changes needed, but the improvement is irreplaceable. 

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Copyright © 2015 Genii Software Ltd.

Thu 16 Apr 2015, 12:08 PM
I own a business. I sell software, not judgment. 
It should hardly need to be said, but in this day and age it seems to be necessary. I will sell my software to anybody with money to buy it, be they gay or straight (cis) or bi or transgender, Muslim or Hindu or Atheist or Christian or Wiccan or Jewish or Druid, tall or short or adverse to relative measurements, in Brazil or Russia or the U.S. or Finland, hyperconservative or bleeding heart liberal, pro-whatever or anti-whatever else.
I'm not noble. It's just all about the money. I'm a capitalist, from a time when that actually meant something different than one who sidles up to the public trough and tries to shove the actually needy aside. If you feel the slightest hesitation about buying my software, I hope it is due to the price or functionality or something like that. It should never be because you worry about my judgment of you. That is sheer idiocy.

Copyright © 2015 Genii Software Ltd.

Tue 14 Apr 2015, 01:42 PM
As a follow up to my post on attachment icons in the web-based IBM Discussion database, one customer asked about Cyrillic attachment names and tabbed tables. This brief one minute demo shows those in the standard Discussion database, though AppsFidelity will support the same functionality with both Classic and XPage custom databases.
You can try out AppsFidelity 3.1 for yourself. Request an evaluation license today.
Best viewed in HD. Closed captions are provided for following in English or improved auto-translation.

Copyright © 2015 Genii Software Ltd.

Tue 14 Apr 2015, 07:10 AM
One of the most requested and most popular features of AppsFidelity is such a small thing, yet difficult enough to manage that IBM has never added it despite customer requests from some very large customers. Simply put, file attachments on the web should show the way they do in Notes, in the place where a user put them. In this very brief demo, I show how AppsFidelity 3.1 not only puts the file icons where they below, it also allows you to edit the document and save it, still preserving this relationship in both Notes and on the web. Of course, some customers don't even need the editing, but simply want the years of documents created in Notes to display as they should (high fidelity rendering) and file attachments to display where they should (placement).
Best of all, this functionality can be added to most XPages apps without any design changes at all. The IBM Discussion database template is recognized automatically, and adding other templates requires a simple switch in the NOTES.INI. Of course, Classic apps work just as well, though they may require a few simple changes to the design.
You can try out AppsFidelity 3.1 for yourself. Request an evaluation license today.
Best viewed in HD. Closed captions will be provided shortly., though the majority of the impact is visual.
As a reminder, AppsFidelity is a superset of the old CoexEdit, as shown in the roadmap I published a little while back.
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Coming soon: AppsFidelity 3.1 -  файловые вложения

Copyright © 2015 Genii Software Ltd.