Genii Weblog

Civility in critiquing the ideas of others is no vice. Rudeness in defending your own ideas is no virtue.

Tue 29 May 2018, 04:11 PM

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Some people seem caught up in a debate over whether modernizing Notes/Domino apps or migrating them to another platform is the correct decision. The answer until recently seemed to be migration, not because Notes/Domino couldn't handle the modernized apps, but because IBM seemed hellbent on killing it off. But the renewed focus and investment in Notes/Domino by IBM and by HCL, who have taken over active development of the products, has not really answered the question. It has certainly made application modernization more palatable, and future changes such as Node.JS integration will do even more.

But there were still be reasons for some companies to migrate some applications, and reasons for others (or the same companies) to modernize within the ICS world.

As president of Genii Software, I try to keep my personal opinions out of the equation. We have a number of customers using our products to migrate away, but we have even more customers using our products to stay. We even have customers doing both at the same time, in that they are using our products to coexist between Notes/Domino and another application, which you might call a non-stop bidirectional migration.

Whatever. I believe that IBM/HCL have increasingly articulated a vision for a future for the products, and as an IBM champion, I am happy to explain and promote that vision. But technology itself never seems to be the deciding factor, so I am also happy to help people get email or applications data out of Notes/Domino cleanly, or to get data into Notes/Domino cleanly. We're here for customers, not for religion. Modernize with AppsFidelity or CoexLinks Fidelity. Migrate with Midas, AppsFidelity Migrate or CoexLinks Migrate. Coexist with AppsFidelity. Whatever makes sense for you, we will help it make more sense to you.

And for the future, we'll be around helping customers in all these ways through Notes/Domino 10 and 11 and beyond. We're not going anywhere. whether your company does or not. And even if you leave, there's no saying you won't be back. And we'll be here to help with that as well.

Copyright © 2018 Genii Software Ltd.

Thu 24 May 2018, 06:21 PM
We value your privacy, and want to make sure you’re aware of what data we maintain and how to control it. We’ve recently made updates to our Privacy Policy to increase transparency and comply with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We encourage you to read our policies in full, but the general approach is to keep only data which has been voluntarily and proactively submitted, and to only use it for the intended and explicit purpose. For example, if you have requested an evaluation license for one of our products, we must store enough of your information to supply the license and follow up.
If at any time you would like us to remove your personal data, please contact us with your request via email to, and we will remove it as quickly as possible. We must retain certain records of purchases for our business, tax and legal obligations. We will retain a minimal record of evaluation licenses for similar reasons and to prevent evaluation license abuse.
The updates to our policies go into effect today, May 24, 2018. There will be additional rollouts of options for better control of user data over the next few weeks. If you have any questions or requests for clarification on these policies, please contact us at and we will endeavor to answer your questions and also update the policies to be as clear as possible.

Copyright © 2018 Genii Software Ltd.