This is intended as a direct reference companion to my post earlier today, Getting data from Domino with Exciton Boost. Here, developers can see the exact requests made with parameters, HTTP headers, etc. in case anything in the video went by too quickly.
There are the nine tasks, but in some cases, I show multiple separate requests, as I used more than one in the video to explain different elements. For each request, I show the HTTP method and then one of different ways (e.g., JavaScript's fetch) to show how this code could be called. The second part is merely to get across the wide range of ways you could call Exciton Boost using different technologies. Finally, I include the video again in case you want to see these requests in action and see the results they generate.
Intro: Get core services
Returns a JSON array of objects, one for each view that is included, implicitly (all views) or explicitly (specified views), in the Exciton configuration db and marked as discoverable. Exciton is strict about data security, so views may be accessible but not discoverable. Views not included are inaccessible and will return a 404 error.
Task 1: Get list of accessible views
Returns a JSON array of objects, one for each view that is included, implicitly (all views) or explicitly (specified views), in the Exciton configuration db and marked as discoverable. Exciton is strict about data security, so views may be accessible but not discoverable. Views not included are inaccessible and will return a 404 error.
GET /CurbAppeal.nsf/api/boost/views HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
1) JavaScript - jQuery
$.ajax(settings).done(function (response) {
Task 2: Get view with columns & metadata
Returns a JSON array of objects, one for each document in the view. Each document includes a link to get the document from the documents collection as well as item values for each view column. Note that there are parameters to page through the view if desired.
GET /CurbAppeal.nsf/api/boost/views/76CA31CBCB19C70A8525694F0045C657 HTTP/1.1
2) Python - Request
import requests
headers = {}
response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
Task 3: Get filtered view
Returns a JSON array of objects, a subset of the full view filtered by a key match with the first view column. There are alternative ways to filter the view, but this is easiest.
GET /CurbAppeal.nsf/api/boost/views/76CA31CBCB19C70A8525694F0045C657 HTTP/1.1
X-Key-Value: Chagrin Falls, OH
3) JavaScript - Fetch
Task 4: Get all items from the document
Returns a JSON object containing each item found on the document, or at least all allowed. Items may be explicitly allowed or disallowed in the configuration database, or all may be allowed by default. Some items such as time/date, author and reader fields, and rich text items will be represented by subobjects. Rich text fields are rendered to high fidelity roundtrippable HTML.
GET /CurbAppeal.nsf/api/boost/documents/524C08BF648BE77A85257B8600798F5B HTTP/1.1
4) Node JS - Request
Task 5: Get only selected items
Using an item list via URL or HTTP header, the request determines which items to returns in the JSON object. In addition to actual items, the request may use Notes formula language to create additional items or may use filtering to get subsets of rich text items.
5a) HTTP
GET /CurbAppeal.nsf/api/boost/documents/524C08BF648BE77A85257B8600798F5B?metadata=false&items=StreetAddress,Bdrms,Full=Bathrooms,Half=Half_Baths,Photo HTTP/1.1
5b) HTTP
GET /CurbAppeal.nsf/api/boost/documents/524C08BF648BE77A85257B8600798F5B?metadata=false HTTP/1.1
X-Items-List: StreetAddress+", "+City+", "+State=Address,Bdrms,Full=Bathrooms,Half=Half-Baths,Photo[Graphic 1]
5b) JavaScript - XHR
Task 6: Add selected items to view results
Going back to the view, the request can include either additional or replacement items for the view columns using an item list via URL or HTTP header. This allows retrieval of any allowed items with the view results, including rendered rich text items.
GET /CurbAppeal.nsf/api/boost/views/76CA31CBCB19C70A8525694F0045C657?metadata=false&additems=Col1,Col2 HTTP/1.1
X-Key-Value: Beachwood, OH
6) Java - Unirest
Task 7: Get RTItems (as a list, as individual rtitems in JSON, as rendered HTML pages, or rendered HTML fragments)
Explores some of the different ways to retrieve rich text.
7a) HTTP
GET /CurbAppeal.nsf/api/boost/documents/524C08BF648BE77A85257B8600798F5B/rtitems HTTP/1.1
7a) PowerShell - RestMethod
7b) HTTP
GET /CurbAppeal.nsf/api/boost/documents/524C08BF648BE77A85257B8600798F5B/rtitems/Col1 HTTP/1.1
7b) PowerShell - RestMethod
7c) HTTP
GET /CurbAppeal.nsf/api/boost/documents/524C08BF648BE77A85257B8600798F5B/rtitems/Col1 HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/html
7c) PowerShell - RestMethod
7d) HTTP
GET /CurbAppeal.nsf/api/boost/documents/524C08BF648BE77A85257B8600798F5B/rtitems/Col1?fragment=true HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/html
7d) PowerShell - RestMethod
Task 8: Get image from rich text (either as an <img> link or as components in a JSON object, either allowing binary retrieval of the image from the server)
Depending on what exactly is needed, different ways to retrieve an image as a link back to the Domino db.
8a) HTTP [Image link as HTML fragment]
GET /CurbAppeal.nsf/api/boost/documents/524C08BF648BE77A85257B8600798F5B/rtitems/Photo/chunks/Graphic 1?fragment=true HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/html
8a) Python - http.client
import http.client
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
payload = ''
headers = {
'Accept': 'text/html'
conn.request("GET", "/CurbAppeal.nsf/api/boost/documents/524C08BF648BE77A85257B8600798F5B/rtitems/Photo/chunks/Graphic 1?fragment=true", payload, headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data =
8b) HTTP [Image components as JSON]
GET /CurbAppeal.nsf/api/boost/documents/524C08BF648BE77A85257B8600798F5B/rtitems/Photo/chunks/Graphic 1?metadata=false HTTP/1.1
X-Items-List: Photo[$GraphicOffset]=Offset,Photo[$GraphicFormat]=Fmt,Photo[%GraphicHeightPX]=height,Photo[%GraphicWidthPX]=width
8b) Python - http.client
import http.client
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
payload = ''
headers = {
'X-Items-List': 'Photo[$GraphicOffset]=Offset,Photo[$GraphicFormat]=Fmt,Photo[%GraphicHeightPX]=height,Photo[%GraphicWidthPX]=width'
conn.request("GET", "/CurbAppeal.nsf/api/boost/documents/524C08BF648BE77A85257B8600798F5B/rtitems/Photo/chunks/Graphic 1?metadata=false", payload, headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data =
Task 9: Get image data URI
Retrieves an image as an <img> link with the data URI included, so that the entire image is local. The dataimgs parameter shown can be used for any rich text or document retrieval so that the rendered HTML has the images locally available without any requirement for the Domino image to be accessible.
GET /CurbAppeal.nsf/api/boost/documents/524C08BF648BE77A85257B8600798F5B/rtitems/Photo/chunks/Graphic 1?fragment=true&dataimgs=max HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/html
9) Shell - wget
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