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Civility in critiquing the ideas of others is no vice. Rudeness in defending your own ideas is no virtue.

Mon 21 Jun 2021, 09:56 PM
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I gave a presentation today at Rudi's DominoCamp. Kind of a weird thing presenting in silence for 75 minutes. I was relieved to see the people who started watching seemed to still be there at the end, as there was no way of know while I was presenting. I look forward to getting back to in-person conferences.
Slides are here --> Custom Domino Extensions in a Modern AppDev World - DominoCamp 2021 slides <-- though I will likely put them up on Slideshare later as well.
For the demos, I put most of the output in slides so you could see it. The source code and make file for the DspLnks64 DSAPI and Daleks ExtMgr are below, though you may need to adjust the makefiles to match the compilers you have set up, or skip it and make the projects in an IDE. (Recommended compilers kept switching between versions.)
dsplnks64.dll (version built and used in  demo)
ndaleks64.dll (version built and used in  demo)
The Node.js demo I desscribed with the invoices is described in full at Down to Business - PDF Invoices from Notes data in Node.
Thanks to everybody who attended. Anybody who has questions should feel free to ask, as I am always up for brainstorming about extensions.
I will provide a link to the video when it is available.

Copyright © 2021 Genii Software Ltd.


Thu 10 Jun 2021, 09:45 AM
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This is just a simple tip for those upgrading to Notes 12, as I just did. I mentioned on Facebook that I was surprisingly happy with the new workspace look, surprising only because I hated all the recent ones and have used the Textured Workspace until fairly recently. I was surprised that when I was asked for a screenshot like the one above, somebody else showed theirs and it looked quite different, like the one below.
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After being questioned about what I might have done differently, I started looking and found the answer. If you right click on the workspace, there is a Background option. This has been advertised as a way to put a custom background image, but if you are like me and simply aren't sure you want so much blue, you can just set the option to None and you get the lighter screen like me.
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That's it, really. Not a big deal no matter what you choose. I should say, even with the blue background it is better than the Notes 9, 10, or 11 workspaces, so whatever you choose, it feels like a step up. Thanks, HCL.

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