In a post called Just the vector, Viktor...a whole lot of them, Rob Novak mentions that he and his crew need to create resumés for a client, and, as he says,I last wrote a resume in 1993 using PFS: First Choice on the laptop provided for my first Masters' degree.
Daniel Lieber commented that his last resumé was written in Ami Pro 3. This got me to thinking...
When did you least create or update your resumé? (Hint: If it was last week and your current employer doesn't know, you might want to ignore that one)
What software or format did you use?
I'd be interested in hearing people's answers. I created my last resumé in 1997, or possibly 1998, using DeScribe 5.0 under OS/2, and I am pretty sure I then printed it out. I don't remember what the data format was. The one before that I actually typed on a typewriter (cringe).
How about you? Anybody use ODF? OOXML?
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