Genii Weblog

Civility in critiquing the ideas of others is no vice. Rudeness in defending your own ideas is no virtue.

Mon 24 Mar 2014, 12:05 PM
As one of the many in the Notes community who have felt this way about Bruce Elgort over the years, it is nice to see that his students feel the same way

Congratulations on your well-earned adoration, Bruce!

Copyright © 2014 Genii Software Ltd.

Mon 24 Mar 2014, 08:56 AM
PHB says, You want me to take a dump. Other person says, A data dump. We need your data from Notes in SQL.
PHB says, How can I take notes on the sequel when I didn't read the first yet. Other person says, Is your secretary available or a janitor? Why did we let the Notes developers go?
When your PHB needs to take a data dump from Notes to SQL Server or DB2 or SharePoint Lists or whatever, and your organization is low on Notes developers, there's always the Midas LSX and the completely data-driven Export to CSV database. Request an evaluation license today and see how easy it can be. Or watch the video for a short demo. High fidelity full screen is recommended, and closed captions are available both for following along in English or getting translations to other languages. (Demo is related to last week's post, Help Needed in Lanes 1 and 2)

Copyright © 2014 Genii Software Ltd.