Today, we released a new version of CoexLinks called Coexlinks Fidelity. While it is technically CoexLinks 3.5 for internal reasons, it is the biggest addition of functionality for CoexLinks in years. The core CoexLinks functionality of converting doclinks to usable links in Outlook, Google Mail or other web mail is still in place, and more flexible and powerful than ever. But now, there are two additional areas of functionality added to enhance the power and value of CoexLinks:
Email Fidelity
As the name CoexLinks Fidelity suggests, a large focus of the new version is email fidelity - making sure the email arrives at its destination looking the way it left the sender. Whether the destination is Outlook, Outlook Webmail, Gmail or another email system, high quality HTML and CSS can now be counted on almost anywhere to present an appearance like the Notes rich text appearance. CoexLinks Fidelity takes on the task of converting the email from Notes rich text to MIME, and doing it with far better fidelity and more adherence to modern standards than the Domino SMTP task even in Domino 9.0.1. Where Domino constructs don't quite match up to HTML/MIME displays, CoexLinks Fidelity uses an intelligent, coherent approach to converting what it can to maximize clarity and professional appearance.
Message Store
While most email can be rendered to a MIME/HTML standard, some Notes functionality doesn't translate and some Notes security is unsupportable outside the Notes/Domino environment. For those cases, CoexLinks Fidelity offers a Message Store database. When an email is identified as having potential security or functionality issues outside Notes, a copy is secured in the Message Store database, controlled by document level reader access so that only designated recipients can open it. This includes encrypted mail, but also a configurable set of Notes constructs such as buttons, tabbed tables, etc. Then, the original email is sent on with a custom disclaimer and link back to the Message Store document. This way, the recipient in Outlook or Gmail or whatever can follow the link back they way they do other doclinks managed by CoexLinks, and open the email in a Notes client where it can be read and acted on.
More details and videos will be available shortly. Existing CoexLinks customers on maintenance may upgrade to CoexLinks Fidelity at no additional cost, or if they are already on CoexLinks Version 3.0 may use their existing license files.
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