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Civility in critiquing the ideas of others is no vice. Rudeness in defending your own ideas is no virtue.

Tue 22 Aug 2017, 11:41 AM
I got a few questions from people at MWLUG about what CoexLinks Fidelity is, and what exactly 'email fidelity' might look like. Rather than just talk, you can try for yourself. Note: our newer CoexLinks Migrate and CoexLinks Journal products use the same rendering engine internally. If you submit your email address below, you will get twelve messages to the email address you used. Six will be sent using the normal Domino 9.0.1 email engine, then the same six will be sent rendered by CoexLinks Fidelity. Compare and decide whether your company and your clients would be well served with email fidelity, or whether your migration would be safer with it. If you want to try CoexLinks Fidelity for yourself, just fill out an evaluation request, and we'll get you set up. To find out about the other two products, click on the links for each product above.
No, we won't spam you endlessly if you give us your email. It is only used for this demo and a quick follow up afterwards to make sure your questions have been answered.

Copyright © 2017 Genii Software Ltd.


Wed 16 Aug 2017, 05:01 PM
As part of our Defect Detection feature, we encounter and usually fix a number of different defects in images. The following list is the different scenarios we detect which cause any issue with extracting or rendering the images. Of these 31, at least 27 have been encountered in actual customer documents. The other four are left in because they might be some day. While none of these problems are common, some are likely to be encountered in any large data repository, especially in mail which has been converted back and forth between MIME and rich text (as with replies or forwards).
A few of these problems are completely unfixable, but only a few. For example, with scenarios 1a and 17, we have no image information to work with at all.
Many of these are easily fixed. For example, 25 or 26 are easily deduced from the data.
The rest can be partially fixed. Part of the image may have low resolution, or a section may be missing, but usually the image is at least intact enough to identify.
1) Image header lists n segments, but there are only m (where m < n)
1a)Image header lists n segments, but there are none
2) Image header lists n segments, but there are m (where m > n)
3) Image segments contain multiple GIF starts (often associated with #2)
4) Image segments occur with no image header
5) Multiple image headers
6) Image header lists data size other than actual (except where PNG)
7) Win meta header lists n segments, but there are only m (where m < n)
8) Win meta lists n segments, but there are m (where m > n)
9) Win meta segments occur with no Win meta header
10) Multiple win meta headers
11) Win meta header lists data size other than actual
12) Bitmap header lists n segments, but there are only m (where m < n)
13) Bitmap lists n segments, but there are m (where m > n)
14) Bitmap segments occur with no Bitmap header
15) Multiple bitmap headers
16) Bitmap header lists data size other than actual
17) No headers or segments
18) Both image segment or win meta and bitmap
19) Image resource that is missing
20) Pseudo-attached image that is missing.
21) Image segments occur before image header
22) Win meta segments occur before win meta header
23) Bitmap segments occur before bitmap header
24) No graphic record but other graphic elements
25) Graphic record says resized, but has 0 width or height
26) PNG record missing
27) PNG header lists n segments, but there are only m (where m < n)
28) PNG header lists n segments, but there are m (where m > n)
29) Multiple PNG headers
30) Image segments contain multiple PNG starts (often associated with #28)
31) PNG header lists data size other than actual
Phew! As you can see, there are a lot of potential issues, but with Defect Detection, we can fix the majority. That's why we do it.

Copyright © 2017 Genii Software Ltd.

Tue 15 Aug 2017, 12:53 PM

CoexLinks family of products: CoexLinks Fidelity, CoexLinks Migrate and CoexLinks Journal

Very soon, we are releasing a new version of all three of our CoexLinks products, CoexLinks FidelityCoexLinks Migrate and CoexLinks Journal. Aside from other features and bug fixes, they will share a new feature called Defect Detection. While the challenge for most document rendering (to MIME in this case) is faithfully reproducing the content of the email and including the envelope information in the desired form, some Notes emails have corruptions and defects which make the job harder.

There are four major defects (and a few smaller ones not worth mentioning):

  • Broken inline images. A variety of corruptions in images including zero-length data, missing image segments and incorrect image type (e.g., a GIF is marked as a JPEG) leave images broken in both the Notes client and the rendered document. We are able to detect and repair or partially repair about 75% of these corrupted images.
  • Compressed attachments with incorrect sizes. These are difficcult to detect because you can open the attachment or save it to disk from the Notes client, so you don't know you have an issue. But since the uncompressed size is incorrect, the document will be truncated and corrupted when emailed or when it is rendered by most tools including the Domino rendering engine. We can fix 100% of these corruptions.
  • Hotspots with invalid ends. In some versions of Notes, URL hotspots and other hotspots inside sections or table cells were left without a closing record. While they appear fine in Notes, they render with either large parts of the Body content missing, or with everything to the end showing as a URL link. We can fix about 95% of these corruptions.
  • Invalid stored image URLs. These corruptions are an artifact of the external MIME to internal MIME rendering, so mostly appear with received MIME emails or forwarded/replied to MIME emails. The fix is fairly simply, so we can fix 100% of these corruptions.

Whether you are sending email to customers, reading your own mail from a mobile or web interface, migrating an entire database or journaling mail to a third party vault, it is better to have defect detection in place so that unusual does not become the irretrievable.

Copyright © 2017 Genii Software Ltd.
