Genii Weblog

Civility in critiquing the ideas of others is no vice. Rudeness in defending your own ideas is no virtue.

Fri 18 Dec 2009, 10:22 AM
Granted, this could be the motto of our entire business, but in this case I am simply referring to the slew of changes that have taken and will take place in the Sessions db over the next short while.  Getting the data in is one step.  Getting it right is another.  Using it to populate everything is a third.

The good news is, the real times and dates are now recorded into the documents, so the "Add to my Calendar" button will work, the iPhone/BB synchs will work, etc.  I am still scrounging for a source for BDD schedules (any little birds who want to clue me in?) and BOF schedules, and will soon start adding the showcase information and correcting/adding/deleting people.  All a pain in the ass, but this is what it takes to make a working sessions db.  You all get to see the dirty pots behind the pristine restaurant.  Enjoy your meal!

Copyright © 2009 Genii Software Ltd.


Thu 17 Dec 2009, 11:46 AM
Tenth Annual Lotusphere Sessions Planning DB

For those who can't do anything but dream of Orlando in January...

A few people have deduced the super secret URL.  Unlike last year, where the URL was LS2009_SessionsDB or the year before when it was LS2008_SessionsDB (and so forth back nine years), this year the super secret URL is... wait for it...


Anyway, Version 0.1 (meaning a lot of sessions have times and rooms, but some don't, and lots of other stuff is only partly there) is ready for you to download.  I'd strongly encourage you to replicate with Tranquility (using the handy view action if you like) frequently over the next few weeks.  I should point out that frequently does not mean every fifteen minutes.  It means once a day or so.  In mid January, you can move to every fifteen minutes if you have ADD, ADHD or ADOS (attention deficit ohh shiny).

Copyright © 2009 Genii Software Ltd.


Tue 15 Dec 2009, 10:28 PM
You know it is coming.  If you really wanted, you could probably even find it.  But it is still not quite complete.  Patience...

Lotusphere 2010 Sessions db

Copyright © 2009 Genii Software Ltd.


Fri 11 Dec 2009, 08:13 AM
The question has been asked by a number of people, so I guess I should comment on it again.  Yes, Genii Software is planning on hosting the 10th Annual Lotusphere Sessions database.  This year, Penumbra will be a co-sponsor (mostly so that somebody besides me can help make sure repeats and room changes happen in a timely fashion).  Some features will be the same (crazy layered schedules so you can figure out what sessions are in the same room visually).  Some features will be new (heavens, don't tell us there will be an xPage component!).  As usual, the Turtle Partnership will have their BlackBerry version and iPhone version synched up with the sessions db.

But the newest and most unexpected twists may come from you.  Every year, there are others who hitch their wagon to the sessions db and provide mashups or specialized versions or wacky plug-ins.  This year, YOU could be the one who makes a feature that everybody wants.  Cheers and adulation could follow your every step at Lotusphere (OK, maybe if you are lucky, somebody will buy you a beer or a milk shake).  Time to get cracking.  You know the basic data involved.  You know the popularity (4 out of 5 dentists who go to Lotusphere etch the sessions database on their patient's teeth).  So, what are you waiting for?

Lotusphere - where gray old farts like me go to discuss cool new technology...

Lotusphere - a bunch of old farts discussing new stuff.

Copyright © 2009 Genii Software Ltd.


Thu 10 Dec 2009, 05:08 PM
Inline JPEG imageAs many of my regular readers know, I occasionally take some time from writing software to write poetry and short stories.  In the past couple of months, I have been submitting some of these, and have gotten some acceptances, but not too many and none of them paying.  I just got a letter from one of the more competitive magazines, and it is a most extraordinary letter.

Dear Ben,

Thank you for submitting your poems to Strong Verse. We would like to publish all five poems that you sent.  Could you please send me your mailing address along with a brief bio if you’d like that included.

Our editor, Mr. Card, couldn't say enough good about your poetry -- he absolutely loves it and would love to see more.

Kathleen Bellamy
Strong Verse

OK, so nice, yes, especially for a competitive paying market, but not extraordinary.  At least, not until you find out that "Mr. Card" is Orson Scott Card, author of 
Ender's Game, the only author to ever win the Nebula and Hugo Awards in back to back years.  And he "loves" my writing?  That is an extraordinary endorsement I will accept any day.

Click here to see --> 
Strong Verse - About Us

Copyright © 2009 Genii Software Ltd.


Wed 2 Dec 2009, 09:24 AM
One by one, I am releasing the 64-bit Windows versions of out products.  The Midas Rich Text LSX was first, with a 64-bit Domino version on the web now.  This is Version 4.30 of the Midas Rich Text LSX, for which I released the 32-bit version a couple of weeks ago.  By the end of the day, I should have 64-bit Domino versions of all the products out there, but I'll post here when it happens.

Copyright © 2009 Genii Software Ltd.
